There’s Always Hope

I was just asked by an old friend to write something hopeful about our country. I know there’s always a lot going on in our country, which makes us think that we’re going to hell in a hand basket. For the last few years we’ve been struggling. It doesn’t help that struggle seems to sell news. However, much of what we read, listen to, or watch is seen through such a limited view. We don’t take time to see if there are good things around us. If you think people are at such odds, then walk down the street, or through a neighborhood playground. Do you see scores of political zealots ranting about their ideologies? Or do you see families? Go ahead…look. Tell me which ones are the right-wing ideologues, and which ones are the left-wing? I bet you can’t. That’s because we are so much more than what we read in the news and see on television.

I really do think that if things don’t change we run a chance of the country ripping apart (See The Road to Civil War). However, I still believe there are a lot of things that have to happen before that’s truly a consideration. While we have a lot of people who spend most of their time trying to find a way to hate everyone but themselves, there are even more that try to show there are more things that bind us than separate us. They just don’t get in the news.

Over the last year I have seen people who have little time give it freely, little money donate it happily, and with challenged faith strengthen it gradually. I guess it’s all in how you look at things. With Katrina, the Twin Towers, and the shootings in Columbine, and recently Arizona we focus on the horrors rather than the Heroes. This country is like a very large family. We argue, we bicker, and we hurt each other. However, if someone outside the family tries to hurt us, then that’s a different story. When that happens all our arguments stop. We remember we are family, and in the end, we remember that without each other we are nowhere.

All families fight…especially the strong ones. It’s the fighting that makes us stronger. I don’t’ worry much when people are yelling at each other. At least then I know it’s out in the open where our wounds can get some air. It’s when things are covered up in dark and damp places that infections fester. We just need to make sure we bring those wounds into the open where we can attend to them.

So while I see the Glenn Becks of the world ranting hysterics I don’t worry. They are the clowns, or at least the crazy uncles spouting out drunken diatribes at the reunion. The more they spew from their mouths, the more irrelevant they become. We have problems, that’s true. I still think, however, that in the end we will come together. We always have. So if you think you’re watching the country circle the drain, just remember. We have been here before, and we have survived. This country has seen war, civil war, disaster, and disease. Yet we always find a way to survive…and we always will. We’re family…that’s what strong families do.

See Missy…There’s always hope;).


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