Places and people for whom no one should have to work:

Anyone who makes you enter or exit the building from a different entrance than customers or management.
When I was younger, I once worked for a Country Kitchen, and was chastised for entering through the front door. “That’s for customers’ only, we have to maintain a level of service, and that means using the employee entrance” my boss said. My response: Um…you do realize that this is a ‘Country Kitchen…right?’” I was only there a month.

Any company where the boss has better facilities than you do.
When I first started working for Blue Cross of Iowa in the early 80s, we tried like hell to get a weight room, or some type of shower facility so we could work out at lunch. We were shot down by Sr. Management, repeatedly. Then not too long after that I found out that all 10 of the execs had their own private bathrooms with shower facilities. And the Sr. VP, and President had full wet bars. This is why I’m not surprised when I hear about $16,000 umbrella stands.

Any company that tells you that you can’t have a tattoo earring, etc.
I love this one! I don’t wear them anymore, but I once took a part time job at a sporting goods store, just to get me out of the house. I have a tendency to become a hermit, if permitted. After about a week in training, they told me I had to take my ear-rings out. I didn’t get this at all, especially since 99% of the clientele were in no way qualified to provide fashion advice. How anyone would think, in the last 30 years, that someone would be offended by a piercing is beyond comprehension. If company pays me less than my real job takes out in payroll taxes, I’m sorry…they can’t offer fashion advice.

Any company that requires you to refer to your boss as Mr., Ms., Miss, or Mrs.

When I was still living in Iowa, I had to work at Sears part-time to make ends meet. We were supposed to refer to the store manager as Mr. Whateverhisnamewas. I called him by his first name once, and was taken to task by my supervisor. She was shocked when I laughed in her face. I once worked under Governor Robert D. Ray. I called him Bob. I wasn’t ABOUT to call this asshole Mr., anything. There is an exception, however. I think doctors who work in hospitals should be called Doctor. I only make this exception because the last time I was in the hospital I had no idea who was working, and who was just taking up space…i.e…the Doctor.

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