Mormons, Popes, Senators, and Silly

I was in Moab Utah this week where I saw something I found amusing. I actually saw two guys doing their mission for the Mormon Church in Moab. Isn’t that like a priest looking for converts in the Vatican?

Speaking of the Vatican, can someone tell me where the Pope gets off telling people in Africa not to use condoms? He gave a speech saying that condom use causes the AIDS problem. I actually do understand his logic, but it is flawed logic. These people are not going to stop having sex. So at least provide some way for them to keep from killing each other.

Speaking stupid statements, did anyone hear the former Vice President speak this week about Barak Obama? Can someone tell Darth Vader to go away? There’s something wrong with a man and an administration that creates a nightmare and then attempts to blame it on the next guy.

And speaking of the nightmare, I have had about enough of Republicans on the Hill going after the new administration about spending money. It was their spending and lack of oversight that got us into this situation in the first place. Those people spent more money on more boondoggles than any group in history. Their hypocrisy knows no bounds. It’s amazing. Does that mean that I think Democrats are any better? No, but at least they are trying something rather than the Republicans who do nothing.

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