You made your choice, I made mine

Several months ago I surmised that in the end the vaccinated would find that they are at more risk than was being communicated. As it turns out, I was right. There are thousands of factors as to why that is and blaming the unvaccinated is just moronic. The top factors are as follows in no particular order:

  • The vaccines were tested in a population that was locked down, social distancing and wearing masks, providing a weak testing ground for the vaccine.
  • The vaccine wasn’t tested with obese individuals. They were extremely particular about their participant selection and the obese population was virtually ignored. The same population flooding into hospitals.
  • Children were not in schools. Seriously…putting that many people in a closed space and expecting good results?
  • The vaccinated think they have immunity and they do not. They never have, and never will.

Hospitals are failing to coordinate patient care because we live in a profit-based society. Hospitals are losing 200 billion dollars annually. If they were making money, then the narrative would be much different. No one gives a shit about your health, not liberal, not conservative. It’s all about economics. This is why I’m so amused that many on both sides think they are superior than the other while all the while you are all being manipulated. 

There are roughly 91000 COVID patients in the hospital today. 3640 of those are on ventilators, and roughly 15,470 of the 91,000 will die. That’s a death rate of 17% if you are hospitalized according to the NCBI. That’s actually an improvement from 25% three months ago. That’s likely directly related to the vaccine and monoclonal therapies. 

Our hospital inpatient rate is sooooooo much higher than the rest of the world because 40% of our population is fat. To add insult to injury, 78% of the people dying of covid are fat. They are flooding the hospitals in DROVES but you want to blame healthy people for the problem. Good luck with that. 

Even with the MASSIVE US obesity rate, the chance of death if you are infected is 1.6%, only slightly lower than what it was pre-vaccine. That’s because 40% will never show a symptom and only 7% will see a hospital. If you find that level of risk insurmountable, then get vaccinated. If you are comfortable with it, then don’t. Knowing the risks and making a decision based on those risks is a personal decision. No one gets to make it for you no matter what high horse they ride.

The leading risks in order are being fat, having comorbidities, and being old.

People have refused to care for themselves for decades, driving up healthcare costs to the tune of 100 billion dollars annually and the obese over-run hospitals at alarming rates with Covid. Now they want a shot to save their ass for decades of taking up more than their share of gravity.

And all of a sudden, because they failed to make good health choices, they want to make them for me. Not because they have any concern for me personally, but because they think I hold some responsibility for their lifetime of bad decisions. I do not. 

Your health is your responsibility, it is not mine. I’m not a risk to you. That Big Mac and hot dog you ate are the risk. I know…you don’t know what’s in them so you don’t care. Well…it’s killing you so you should care. That’s why I care what goes into my body and that vaccine won’t come anywhere near it. Why is that? Because my risk of having an adverse reaction to the vaccine (nausea, vomiting, headache, fatigue) are 100%. My risk of getting Covid and having long-term effects, or dying are statistically zero. 

Does that mean I am anti-vaccine? Only for me. You see, I’m a grown up. I get to make grown up decisions. On the off chance I ever get Covid there’s a 99.9999999% chance I’ll get over it. On the less than 1% chance I do end up dying from it you will NEVER hear me say “Gee…I wish I got vaccincated.” Why? Again, because I’m a grown up and accept my decisions and will loudly and if needed, violently, protect my right to make them.

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