Bigots on the Court

So way back in the old days when we had a President that wasn’t a national and international disgrace, we were entertained through the media by people like Kim Davis, the Kentucky bigot who refused to grant marriage licenses to gay couples, and eventually, through her antics was removed from office and eventually jailed for contempt.

Rather than going through all the details of this abomination of decency, let’s fast forward to the Supreme court who this week refused to hear her case, with an end result that all her penalties, lawsuits and jail sentences will remain in place.  This is a victory for civility for sure, yet don’t hold your breath just yet, Alito and Thomas chimed in complaining that the court should have heard the case.  Their opinion can be summed up in the following quote which states that the court’s decision “enables courts and governments to brand religious adherents who believe that marriage is between one man and one woman as bigots, making their religious liberty concerns that much easier to dismiss.”

Well Sam and Clarence, guess what, those attitudes ARE bigoted and absolutely should be dismissed.  Most of us learned in grade school that your rights can only go so far until they inhibit the rights of others.  Guess what…her rights inhibited the rights of others.  The fact that you, and Ms. Davis distort, manipulate, destroy, and utterly bastardize the teachings of Christ is disgusting.  The fact that you use religious freedom as your reason for doing so is immoral. 

Christ himself is ashamed of your behavior.  Davis was a public figure, supposed to perform a public charge, and to defend the laws set forth by our government and Constitution.  She chose not to do that.  Well…guess what…she doesn’t get to do that based on the Constitution that you two bigots claim to defend.  You absolutely have a right to exclude people from your life, or your private organization.  However, you DO NOT have a right to exclude people you don’t like from public services.  The fact that I have to tell two Supreme Court justices that is frankly frightening.  The fact that one of you is a black man, is literally bewildering.

I don’t often talk about my own religious beliefs, or that lack there-of.  However, I do have them, having been raised in the Lutheran faith from the day I was born.  In fact I was baptized, confirmed, and married in the same church, and once my wife gets tired of me, will likely be buried there as well.  The thing I learned from childhood was that everyone is the same in the eyes of Christ.  There’s no one that is better, or less.  We all are children of God, and while you might think you have a superiority to others different from you, regardless of your religious faith, or sexual orientation, you are wrong.

I am so sick of the bigots and racists in this world cherry picking what they want from the Old Testament, using it as support for their hate, and claiming it as teachings from Christ.  It’s annoying.  It’s also silly.  You can go to the Bible and find support from everything from slavery to bigamy.  Think I’m joking?  I suggest you read the Ten Commandments directly from the Bible.  It will be very enlightening.  If Trump is elected again, with McConnell’s help we just might end up with bigamy and concubines again, not to mention 12-year-old brides. 

People in this country should never use religion to justify their actions, whether moral or immoral.  It’s not exactly a text that is completely moral in its own right.  This is why a group of founding fathers got together a couple of centuries ago and built their own playbook for governing a country.  Were they perfect individuals? Of course not.  However, they did have the forethought to understand that times change, and you need a framework that can grow with those changes.  Suffice it to say that these guys wouldn’t even recognize the country as it is today.  I’m sure Clarence would agree with me.  Since if they came back he would immediately be tied to a post and whipped to death for bewitching and raping a white woman (his wife is white), having the willingness to learn how to read, and the audacity to interpret the law.

The fact that the current Administration is in the process of placing another bigot on the court is disturbing. Based on her writings, she’s more than willing to ignore the tenets of her own faith to push forward her own prejudices and mask them as her religion or the law. Keep in mind that many of her own beliefs are not supported by her own Pope. While it is true that he would not support abortion, he would however, support public assistance, healthcare, housing, and a host of other things this court, and this nominee doesn’t. It’s a wonder she, and so many others like her can claim themselves Christian.


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