The Stupid Police

I think we need stupid police. I don’t mean we need police that are stupid, I think we need police that stop the stupid. I have noticed recently a rash of ridiculous remarks by individuals that people seem to be taking whole cloth. For example: Obama being a Muslim, African, Radical Christian, Atheist, taking money from the military President. The Bush planned 911, conspired with Osama Bin Laden, and the oil companies, to make Dick Cheney rich, who was really acting as the President, President. The smoking monkeys, boy and girl sex gangs (groups of tweens going around having sex in groups…a Colorado thing). The moon landing never happened, and aliens are being kept in warehouse people. It’s like the entire country never left the seventh grade! Really folks…that movie star never ate the pop rocks and coke, and then died.

I also think we need stupid police for our court system. If you bring a case before a court, suing the city for not keeping you from stepping in front of a moving bus, you should instantly go to jail. The lawyer should go to jail, and so should you. You both are stupid. If you, your child, your grandchild, or any child throws a lawn dart into the air, and it lodges into the head of either themselves, or their older brother, you can’t then sue Mattel. If you do…you go to jail. You’re too stupid to breath. OK…you can sue the idiot who threw the lawn dart. Oh…and sorry about the lawn dart Joe …the statute of limitations are over. It was 40 years ago…I’ve said I’m sorry…get over it. We can barely see the scar now. Oh…and mom says call her.

I also think we need stupid police for our politicians. When politicians spout ridiculous statements about their opponents, demonize anyone who doesn’t believe the way they do, or libel themselves on the floor of the House and Senate, they should be arrested. If they are then surprised when their constituents follow their lead, and believe the rhetoric, we should just shoot them. Oh…and the people who believe them should be jailed as well.

Recently, Senator Jon Kyl claimed on the floor of the U.S. Senate that abortions are 90 percent of what Planned Parenthood does. In reality it is 3%. Kyl should be put in jail. Its statements like these that help neither side. It doesn’t matter how someone feels about the subject. If you are against abortion, and someone finds out you’re lying about your facts, you lose credibility. If you lie about the facts and your opponents figure it out, they use it against you. Neither side really wins.

And last but not least, I think we need stupid police for the general population. We need them for these people who read outlandish statements and are too lazy to check on the facts. We need them for people who think we’re in a Democracy, and not a Representative Republic. We need them for people who think driving is a right, and not a privilage. We need them for voters who don’t know which candidate they chose on a ballot. We need them for people who believe that the budget battles in Congress have anything to do with entitlements, and nothing to do with partisanism. And we need them for anyone that listens to a talking head and thinks that head has anything in mind but the talking head’s best interest.

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